Listed rates are for my companionship and time only. Anything that may, or may not, occur is between two consenting adults and for which there is no contract or compensation. It will be understood that anyone contacting me understands and accepts these terms. I reserve the right to decline appointments when I deem necessary.
Minimum length of date
West Coast | 5 hours | 5000
Midwest | 6 hours | 6000
East Coast | 6 hours | 6000
International | 24 hours | 12000
+ 1st class travel + accommodation expenses
50% deposit required
Deposits (non-FMTY)
I require a non-refundable deposit of 20% prior to our date, which should be sent promptly after I’ve accepted your booking request.
If you need to cancel or reschedule for a different time I appreciate as much notice as possible. I’m a planner at heart being a Virgo!
72 hours notice or more | deposit is transferrable subject to my availability
48 hours notice or less | 25% fee
24 hours notice or less | 50% fee
In the rare event I need to cancel, the deposit will be returned promptly.
Fly Me to You
FMTY rate to include cost of 1st class airfare + hotel + travel reimbursement & a 30% deposit.
Cancellations for FMTY - 2 weeks notice or less, the deposit is non-transferable.
Travel cost estimated at $2,000 per FMTY to cover flight + transportation. Please include this when contacting for a FMTY date.
Wanting More?
Established clients, interested in a longer date or an arrangement?
Looking to schedule as a couple?
Interested in a duo?
Please Email me to inquire.